Western Australia
- Wyllie Arthritis Centre 17 Lemnos Street, SHENTON PARK WA 6008
- PO Box 34 WEMBLEY WA 6913
- (08) 9388 2199
- (08) 9388 4488
- general@arthritiswa.org.au
- arthritiswa.org.au
- Monday to Friday, from 9.00am – 12.00pm (noon) Please call Arthritis WA to put you in touch
- Level 1, 42 Costin Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
- PO Box 2121 WINDSOR QLD 4030
- (07) 3857 4200
- (08) 8379 5707
- info@arthritis.org.au
- arthritis.org.au
Northern Territory
- Shop 18, Rapid Creek, Business Village
48 Trower Road, MILLNER NT 0810 - PO Box 452
- Monday to Thursday, from 9.30am – 2.00pm
South Australia
- 118 Richmond Road MARLESTON SA 5033
- 118 Richmond Road MARLESTON SA 5033
- (08) 8379 5711
- (08) 8379 5707
- info@arthritissa.org.au
- arthritissa.org.au
New South Wales
- Suite 1.15, 32 Delhi Road NORTH RYDE NSW 2113
- Locked Bag 2216 NORTH RYDE NSW 1670
- (02) 9857 3300
- (02) 9857 3399
- info@arthritisnsw.org.au
- arthritisnsw.org.au
Please contact our main Arthritis Australia office.
- Arthritis Australia, Level 2/255 Broadway
GLEBE NSW 2037 - PO Box 550
- 19A Main Road MOONAH TAS 7009
- PO Box 780 MOONAH TAS 7009
Australian Capital Territory
- Building 18, 170 Haydon Drive
BRUCE ACT 2617 - SHOUT Offices, Collett Place
PEARCE ACT 2607 - PO Box 908
- Main office: Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm
(An answering machine is available for messages after hours)
Sub-branch Pearce: Monday to Friday, 9am -2.30 pm
(Direct line 02 6290 0784)
Types of arthritis
Living with arthritis
Other resources
Other Helpful Resources
Useful websites, eNewsletters and Support Services
Arthritis Australia
Arthritis Australia is a charitable not-for-profit organisation, and is the peak arthritis body in Australia. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for all people with arthritis and to eliminate their suffering.
CreakyJoints Australia
Founded in 2015, CreakyJoints Australia aims to empower Australians living with arthritis to put themselves at the centre of their own care. It offers regularly updated information and support for those with arthritis conditions (of which there are more than 100). CreakyJoints Australia also provides opportunities for members to proactively advocate for themselves and their families, and to participate in research that will broaden the global understanding of arthritis management.
MyRA is designed to help people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) seize control and become active participants in their journey with RA.
If you have concerns or want more information about rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis or psoriatic arthritis, this website is designed to help.
My Joint Pain
This website can help you relieve the symptoms of joint pain or osteoarthritis (OA) and help you lead a more active and pain-free life.
Independent Living Centres Australia
Information about products and services to help people remain independent and improve their quality of life.
- Versus Arthritis
- Arthritis Foundation
- Johns Hopkins rheumatology
- TV Patient Education Video Library
- CreakyJoints USA
- RheumatoidArthritis.net
- Ankylosing Spondylitis News
- Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus
- Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation
- The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance
- Scleroderma Foundation
- Fibromyalgia News Today
Social Media
As with all social media channels, there are many options for following and learning from others going through the same challenges that you are facing. Here are a few starting points that may be helpful in your search for valuable and supportive communities online. If you find any that you like and feel that other patients may benefit from following, just shoot me (Barbara at ArthritisCARE) an email at barbara@arthritiscare.com.au and I’ll add them in here too.
Arthritis Australia
Arthritis Foundation (USA)
Johns Hopkins rheumatology